How To Pack Your Kid's Hockey Bag

If you and your child are new-to-hockey, you will be learning all the details of how to dress your child in their gear, lace their skates, and tape their stick. Once the game is done, you will also need to remove the equipment and pack it into the abyss of their hockey bag, let us walk through you a few steps to fitting it all in there quickly and efficiently!
Watch Our Video on How to Pack Your Child's Hockey Bag Here
Follow these ten steps to a tidier full packed hockey bag that won't be bursting at the seams:
1. Start by having your child sit on the bench and remove the hockey skates. Open the laces fully and pull the tongue open to help the inside of the skate to dry. Always wipe the blade with a clean skate towel to remove any moisture which can cause rust and corrosion. Put the blade covers on, and place the skates to one side of the bag on the bottom.
2. Unbuckle the helmet and cage straps, and gently pull off the head as your child releases the mouth guard, then place the helmet off to the side, we'll come back to it in a bit. The mouth guard can be detached and put into the case, ideally after rinsing it first.
3. The elbow pads can be removed, nestled inside one another, and placed at the end of the bag beside the skates.
4. Remove the shoulder pads, and lay flat on the bottom of the bag.
5. You can now place the helmet in the bag on top of the shoulder pads, pushed towards one side.
6. The gloves can be put in the bottom of the bag at the opposite end from the skates and elbow pads.
7. Try placing the neck guard inside the helmet – this way these two pieces are together when you are dressing your child and the small neck guard won’t become elusive among the rest of the equipment.
8. Now for the bottom half! The hockey pants can be placed on top of the shoulder pads and the shin guards can be placed within the leg of the pants saving the space these two bulky items would take up individually.
9. Put the hockey socks together, fold and tuck into the other leg of the hockey pant. Always try to fold the socks together so you don't lose one in the bag.
10. Show team pride by respectfully folding the team jersey with the crest showing, and place on top of the equipment before zipping the bag closed.
Once you get the gear home, you should open the bag to allow some air to circulate to help dry the equipment, this can help by prolonging your equipment's lifetime. You can also use an equipment tree to dry the gear, or use a rocket dryer for quicker results.
Source For Sports can help you make the transition from new hockey parent to veteran hockey parent. Check out our Tips for Parents category for more!
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