Getting Your Skis Ready For The Season
Winter Sports•Apr 21, 2021

Before you get your first ski run under your belt this winter season, get your ski and snowboard gear checked and tuned.
Our Source for Sports Ski Technicians will:
- Give your gear a thorough visual examination
- Examine equipment for cracks, damage or breakdown
- Lay down the perfect wax for ultimate glide and remove any imperfections that may slow you down
- Sharpen and hone edges for sharper turns and greater control
- Check your bindings to make sure they meet safety standards and are adjusted for you
Get tuned up for a great ski season with Source For Sports.
For expert advice on Ski, Snowboard, or everything Winter, come see us at your local Source for Sports winter sports store near you. We'll find the equipment that is right for your experience, level of skill, and budget. We Fit Your Game.
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